Yogurt Mixed Berry Pie

“It dee-WISH-us!!”

That’s the highest level of culinary praise from my two-year-old son. That and plate licking…both his own plate and that of his big sister. This Yogurt Mixed Berry Pie, from a recipe on the Chobani Greek Yogurt package, beat out even chocolate chip cookies among my kids this weekend. It’s got to be the easiest pie in the world to make and relatively healthy too. How perfect!

Think softer-style cheesecake…that’s pretty much what this pie entails. You drain the Greek yogurt overnight to get a very thick, creamy yogurt cheese. Mix it with a little sugar – not too much, you still want that tartness to shine through – spoon it into a graham cracker crust and top it with berries. That’s it!

It’s Pi(e) Day (3.14) – I hope you’ll have a chance to relax with a slice today!

Yogurt Mixed Berry Pie
I’m participating in this month’s Monthly Mingle – Berries and Cherries, hosted by Chris at Mele Cotte!

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  1. Simply Tia wrote:

    I really like this Berry pie! Looks dee-wish-us!

    Posted 3.14.12 Reply
  2. Hey, Kathy! Thanks so much for givin’ our Mixed Berry Pie a whirl. How simple, easy & fresh- especially since spring is right around the corner. We’ll take 3.14 pieces, please 🙂 Please email me if ya ever need a fresh supply of CHO to whip up another one!

    Posted 3.14.12 Reply
  3. There is *nothing* better than a compliment from a two-year-old!

    Posted 3.14.12 Reply
    • They can be elusive so they’re always much appreciated!

      Posted 3.14.12 Reply
  4. Jeanette wrote:

    My son is a big fan of Greek Yogurt. What a nice healthier idea for pie!

    Posted 3.14.12 Reply
  5. Carolyn wrote:

    It sounds dee wish us! 😉

    Posted 3.15.12 Reply
  6. looks so good!

    Posted 3.15.12 Reply
  7. Yum! I love all things berry. I’ve never tried ’em on something like this though.

    Posted 3.15.12 Reply
  8. Chris wrote:

    This is a wonderful looking pie. And with yogurt! Brilliant. And, perfect for this time of year. Thanks for adding this to the Monthly Mingle Mix!

    Posted 3.20.12 Reply
  9. Tandy wrote:

    What a fantastic sounding pie! and a cute statement followed by plate licking must bring smiles to anyone’s face 🙂

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  10. Nina wrote:

    Wow this looks beautiful. Such an easy one to make:)

    Posted 4.9.12 Reply
  11. Wow, this looks absolutely amazing and doable for someone who can’t bake like me! I’m gonna make this one day.

    Posted 9.27.13 Reply
  12. pat l gibson wrote:

    great pie…the only change i made was skip the sugar in the yogurt and use a small amount of real maple syrup!

    Posted 6.17.24 Reply