Classic Dinner Rolls


No matter how much advice I read that says you should bypass the bread basket, especially during the holidays, I just can’t. Bread and I have had a longstanding wonderful relationship – one which I’ve begun to appreciate even more as I become more comfortable baking with yeast.

The most impressive wonderland of a bread basket I’ve ever encountered was at Joël Robuchon in Las Vegas last year (you can see a photo of it here on In Erika’s Kitchen). It’s actually a cart – brimming with all kinds of baguettes, bâtards, rolls, you name it – that the servers wheel to your table. You can choose whatever you want, and rest assured Mike and I did our fair share of sampling. As an aside, they also bring around another incredible cart of sweets at dessert time!

Taking the time and effort to bake homemade rolls on special occasions is one way I like to show love to everyone at the table. I served these Classic Dinner Rolls on Thanksgiving last week. They’re simple, honest, no-frills rolls that taste best with a little butter.

Classic Dinner Rolls

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  1. Kalyn wrote:

    This type of roll + butter = memories of childhood Thanksgivings for me! And I was always a fan of the fold over type for turkey sandwiches! (Beautiful photos too!)

    Posted 12.1.11 Reply
  2. Those are some of the most beautiful rolls I’ve seen. I don’t have a really good dinner roll recipe in my arsenal, so am bookmarking this one for the holidays.

    Posted 12.1.11 Reply
  3. Sushimon wrote:

    My dinner rolls always fall flat. It is an art I still need to master. I might just need to try this recipe to see if I have better luck!

    Posted 12.1.11 Reply
  4. I, too, can’t pass up a basket of rolls like these (wish I could!). I don’t make yeast breads often at home: not because they’re difficult, but because I think I don’t have the time.

    Posted 12.1.11 Reply
  5. naomi wrote:

    wow. those look absolutely gorgeous and delicious!

    Posted 12.1.11 Reply
  6. Chelsea wrote:

    Mouth. Is. Watering.

    Posted 12.2.11 Reply
  7. Anna wrote:

    They say that dinner rolls are perhaps the oldest type of food that graced the tables of our forefathers, thousands of years ago…I love that we have a lot of versions to enjoy in this modern age. I bet it was a tedious process years ago. Although getting store-bought rolls is very easy, there are times when we want to try home made varieties. Gives dinner a more authentic feel.Thanks for sharing a classic recipe!

    Posted 12.2.11 Reply
  8. Jenn wrote:

    Your Rolls are gorgeous and I bet they are delicious too!

    Posted 12.3.11 Reply
  9. Great job! Those rolls look absolutely beautiful. Love how that butter just glistens.

    Posted 12.9.11 Reply
  10. Mary wrote:

    I’ve now made these wonderful rolls several times. I’ve share with family and friends. Now my neighbor ask when are you going to make rolls again. Our son just text wanting the recipe . I told him it’s on the back of the bag of flour.
    My mom always used White Lily ,now I know why.

    Posted 7.19.24 Reply